The last few days have seen haw frost and snow, which means work as a gardener has just not been on the cards. Instead a walk through the garden, orchard and surrounding Shropshire landscape was a must. My greenhouse is unheated, however as it is relatively sheltered ( plus a layer of fleece ) chrysanthemums and tender plants are still floriferous.

Working full time as a gardener in winter , has its merits in that it is entirely guided by light levels and weather conditions. So when an unplanned day off presents itself , it might not be a financially good day, however it does provide that rare thing called time to do something else. And, I do enjoy a bit of pyrography. In fact, Penny liked her personalised beer mat so much, its use was instantly changed to a Christmas tree decoration.

I hope you have enjoyed reading the blog this year –  I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about Martin and Judy’s new garden. And if you want to check them out, they are all on the page Martin and Judy’s new garden. Next year will find me writing about volunteering on a community garden and new ideas and plants for Martin and Judy and myself.

Merry Christmas !