Whilst driving over to Martin and Judy’s , I wondered what the garden would look like – as it has been a month since my last visit.

My immediate reaction was how tall it had grown, and all the plants looked so healthy. The garden really was full of nectar rich flowers and seed heads. Martin, Judy and I took a walk around to check it all out, and I came up with a plan of action…

I gathered seed heads, drank coffee, put up the wires for the roses and clematis, and removed self seeding dock plants, but mainly I just really enjoyed being there whilst watching and listening to the garden wildlife. I very much hope the following images provide a true sense of this new garden.

If you are interested in finding out more about this new project, why not check out Martin and Judy’s new garden. which is a collection of all the blogs about the design and progress of this fabulous small space over the ten months. Yes, it really was a patch of grass ten months ago.

I wonder what changes will occur when I visit again in a months time ?