I called into Martin and Judy’s on Friday evening. A mug of tea was made, and we spent our time walking through the garden just taking in all the planting. Infact, a second mug of tea was required as the first went cold , we were so focused on how all the plants were growing away so well. Bear in mind, this garden was started in autumn of last year.

As it was the end of a long and hot gardening week ( for me ) we decided there was no rush to do anything, apart from spending time in the garden, discussing the combinations of flowers and seed heads. ( from the cultivated to the self seeded )

The garden is now into its eighth month of existence. if you are interested to see how it all started , why not check out the following page Martin and Judy’s new garden.

I am fascinated with how the top soil seed bank is combining with cultivated perennials and shrubs. Every time I visit, there is something new and exciting to see.

This is how the garden looked on Friday.