It has mainly been wet, wild and windy here in Shropshire today , with the vast majority of my garden plants swaying all over the place.

As you can see, my garden is relatively small, however, whatever the size of your chosen plot – why not make your future planting choices a selection of tall, airy and sturdy perennial plants ? They really will add dynamism and sound on a breezy day. A great independent nursery to check out with regard to this is , where we propagate and sell many incredibly tall and beautiful perennials.

My garden today.

It is true to say, I am really happy with how my garden is looking this year, which has enabled me to really focus on another project – our 1 acre orchard.

Over the last 5 weekends with help from two of my friends (Theresa and Treasa ) we have removed nettles that were swamping the trees, and cut pathways to enable us to walk through the orchard. I cannot believe how much we have done, in such a short space of time, and I am really enjoying this new project. We have also come across slow worms, which is really quite exciting .

This year I have been mowing and strimming to work my way through the orchard – I am planning to invest in a scythe, so that in following years my use of petrol for the mower and plastic strimmer string will reduce . Theresa prefers to use a long handled Darlac sickle for cutting back the nettles and brambles. This sickle is sharp and robust, and really affordable, and as I type this, I am thinking that the next thing I need to do is buy one.

We have now mulched the nettles out from nearly all the fruit trees ( by putting cardboard down) This has worked really well, and only very few nettles have re-emerged, so we are now putting a second layer down. Any long grass we strim goes back on top of the cardboard.

Next year I will be cutting and removing the grass, as I want to lower the fertility of the soil, to enable me to think about creating a wildflower meadow. This is definitely a very long term project, which I am finding entirely fascinating.

These images are from last weekend.